Well, I finally had it.....after an hour I could not get Morgan to bed by using my "books and backrubs" technique. I got so frustrated that I decided to leave the room and go do the dishes. As you can imagine....she was not happy about me leaving. She immediately got out of bed and ran to the door crying. I told her to get back in bed and she did.
A few minutes later I heard her crying again and she was standing by her door. I again told her to get back to bed and she ran and jumped in bed. She cried for a couple minutes, but then fell sleep! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I heard her cry again around 3 am, but decided to wait a while to see what would happen. The gate was up, so I knew she couldn't get out of her room. Within 15 minutes all was quite again! 2 successful CIO sessions!!
She slept until about 8:15 am.
So...we are in week 2 and I think the CIO method is what I will be trying each night this week. I remember once I got her to learn to get herself to sleep in the crib using the CIO method that night time became a calmer and more routine experience for us all. Here is hoping that the same is true for CIO toddler bed!!