Nap time #1
I work full time, so my wonderful stay-at-home husband Joe has to survive the challenges of nap time by himself during the week.
Here is his play-by-play:
Started out by trying to read her books, gave her the sippy cup. She soon lost interest with the books. He then tried laying next to her. She kept getting up and going to the door and demanding 'OUT!". He ignored her, hoping she would lay down. She didn't. He put her in bed and left the room. He said he proceeded to do the dishes, change the laundry, eat up about 20 minutes. She was still crying. He then put her back into bed 3 more times. On the last attempt she actually laid down and was asleep within 2 minutes. He left. The process took about 40 minutes from start to slumber.
35 minutes later she woke up crying. Joe went and laid next to her and she fell back asleep right away. He left. He said he had to wake her up from her nap (we are pretty strict about not letting her sleep more than a certain amount of time during naps in the hope it will make the night time routine smooter).
So all-in-all I would say nap time #1 was a SUCCESS!!!
NIGHT TIME - Night #2
I took this task on since Joe had nap time. I laid with Morgan from 9 -11 PM. there were tears and crying and she was not happy with me. I did my best to stay very calm and kept putting her back in bad over and over. A few times I thought she had even fallen asleep, but she hadn't. At this point I got her a sippy cup. Finally she laid next to me on the mattress on the floor and fell asleep. I snuck out around 11.
I heard her crying around 5am. 6 hours - not bad.....
I went and laid with her. it took her a little while to fall back to sleep, but she was asleep and I was back up in my own bed by 6am.
8:30 am - She woke up. I think in part becuase I was making some noise getting ready for work, but by 8:30 we are usually waking her up anyway to keep her on her schedule.
Again, all-in-all I would say night time #2 was a success. It also took about 1 1/2 hours less then night #1. I know it will take time....I am hoping laying next to her while we transition her does not completely screw her up or set a precedence. All I know is I have 6 weeks to get her back on some kind of sleeping schedule before I bring another baby home!!